Saturday, April 2, 2011

finally saturday

this has been an exhausting week...
year end inventory at work
and a ton of paperwork
to complete....

i feel weighed down and lacking in

i bought some pansies after work
today...they always make
me smile

as i was bringing them out of the car
i noticed some great clouds
dancing above the trees in
the ravine....

sipping a quiet cup of thoughts
drift to the awakening garden....
where will i put my pansies?
when will the tulips bloom?
what surprises will i find?


  1. Nothing more lovely than relaxing with a cup of tea after a long day or a long week.

    The faces on those pansies make you smile and the colours in that sky are amazing!!!!

  2. it won;t be long my friend!!
    soon we will be enjoying the smell of
    our gardens!!! enjoy your day off
